When each of my children are four, I sign them up for swimming lessons. I look for teachers that are gentle and kind, and ones that make swimming lessons fun, not terrifying! This year was no exception. The older children's art teacher and her college-aged daughter teach the most delightful swimming lessons! They sing songs, play games, and generally just have fun learning to swim in a non-threatening environment. Leah pitched a fit the first day just like I knew she would! But after getting in the water and realizing that learning to swim was not painful, she did just fine. In fact when I picked her up after her first lesson, she asked if she could come back the next day! She eagerly looked forward to the lesson each day. Yesterday was the last one, and she was sad! So, what did she learn???? She can now put her face in the water (big accomplishment), and even greater--she can swim across the pool--with a smile! See photo above. I am so proud of her! I know that with a little practice and encouragement from her siblings she will be swimming all over our pool like a little fish in no time.
Yea for Leah!!! I can't wait to watch her swim!