
Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Holidays Are Near!

I am behind where I normally am this year, but I have begun!

For Thanksgiving, we celebrate on two different days--once with my side of the family, and once with Jimmy's side.  I help cook for each meal, and that is about all I do to prepare for Thanksgiving.  Our house has been decorated for fall since September, although I did put out different placemats for November.

I have begun making my pages for this year's Christmas Binder.  I ordered my Christmas cards yesterday, and we plan to buy our live Christmas tree this Saturday.  Yes.  Before Thanksgiving.  Jimmy is on call and working all of the Thanksgiving holidays, and the weekend after that is the St. Jude Half Marathon/Marathon, so this Saturday is the only day we can buy and decorate the tree!  Unless we wait until December 8, and that is just too far away!   Since I don't host a Thanksgiving gathering, I don't mind having my Christmas decorations out before Thanksgiving.

I have done some of my Christmas shopping, but I have a lot more to do.  I have some sewing projects planned (gifts for some family members), and I am looking forward to beginning those.  I need to get on Pinterest and look for some more unique gift ideas.

This weekend, in addition to trimming the tree, I hope to get all of my thoughts together and completely plan the next several weeks--until New Year's Day.  Then I will begin whittling away at that list.

Let the fun begin!

1 comment:

  1. After reading about your Christmas binder last year, I have one started this year and so far, love it. Everything is in one place and that is so very nice. I use binders for so many other things, I'm not sure why I didn't think of it for the Christmas season.
    I have said a prayer for you every time I read your blog as you have been on this journey that cancer brought you too. So happy to hear your good news updates.

