
Friday, November 16, 2012

A Good Running Week

Overall, my first week back at high mileage after 3 weeks of rest was a good running week.  I ended this week with a total of 32 miles.  My goal (although somewhat unrealistic) was 39 miles.  I am having trouble with my knee!

Today, Lynn and I had a great run.  It started out pretty cold at 6 AM, so I wore tights, pants, gloves, and four shirts!  It was so nice to be outside running with my dear friend Lynn.  I also enjoyed running with Leanna earlier this week.  Four weeks is a long time to not run with my friends.  Both Leanna and Lynn are being very patient with me as I rebuild my mileage and struggle with my knee.  In fact today, Lynn and I had the slowest average pace that we have ever had on a long run.  Our scheduled mileage for today was 18.  I set my watch to beep--five minutes running, one minute walking.  I wasn't sure how long my knee would hold up.  My plan was to run as far as I could.  I made it almost 15 miles before my knee began to hurt.  I walked the last mile to the van to get in a total of 16 miles this morning!  Hooray!  Lynn went ahead and finished all the way to 18 miles.

I am planning another 18 mile run next Friday.  I hope to make it the entire way.

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