
Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Since we started back to school last Thursday I have been swamped!  I have not had a chance to blog, and I am already behind in my reading the Bible in 90 days!  Day 9, and I am already behind!  But I will catch up.  Leah's birthday is Thursday, and I have been sewing her a gift.  She is going to be so surprised (I just hope I get it finished!).

Anyway, we are all fine here at the Johnson home.....I just have not have much computer time.

I am working on choosing books that I want to read in 2012.  These are books that I plan to read in addition to the Sonlight and Notgrass books that I pre-read for my children.

I am also trying to choose to not get overwhelmed by life in general and the daily clutter specifically.

I hope you are having a good January so far, and that you are having success in keeping your resolutions or focusing on the word you have chosen for 2012.


  1. Hi Roan,
    I'm actually accomplishing some of the things I set out to do this year. I have a word! And when I get my blog page in order (I seriously streamlined) I'm going to post. It's been a very thoughtful first semester in so many ways! We have a January birthday too, and I always feel so sorry for that person.(my DH) We're always partied out, familied out, and ready to eat healthy. So he winds up with a 'plain' cake, and few presents. I think I'm going to start planning his party this year!
    Be blessed in all your efforts, may the time be such that your 90 days 'happen!'
    Best always- Laura

  2. I'm so excited you're doing the 90 day Bible challenge again!! I love that we're reading together! I hope you choose some food books this year, because I would love interacting with you about them.

    I'm looking forward to your helping me stay focused on what matters this year. Talk to you soon!

