
Friday, January 13, 2012

Still Swamped!

I cannot get into a groove!  After taking 3 weeks off in December which actually stretched into 4, I have not had a fully productive school day since we started back!  I cannot figure out what is wrong, but I am not anywhere near getting everything done.  My older children are completing all their schoolwork that does not involve my assistance, but the things that depend on me are holding them up.  I am behind in Clay's, Leah's, and Sam's Sonlight reading, behind in checking Olivia's schoolwork, and behind in the little bit of help/tutoring that Olivia occasionally needs (like go over her study guide for her upcoming science test).  I am also behind in our official home economics class, however my girls have completed many hours of home ec while helping me clean out and reorganize during our Christmas break and also by helping me prepare for Leah's birthday--Julie baked and decorated Leah's birthday cake and cupcakes all by herself!).

This weekend I plan to pull out the school day schedule I made for us back in August, and start following it.  Previously, I was setting the timer on my phone for each segment, and running a pretty tight ship.  It is apparent that I need to do that again.  When we started school back a couple of weeks ago, I abandoned the schedule, and was trying to go with the flow---that is not working!  Another change that I made that is not working is sleeping later than normal on school mornings.  I have not been getting up at 5:00 AM, and that has got to change!  I am setting my alarm for 5:00, and I am going to hit the floor running!  Well, hit the floor running to the coffee pot!

I am trying to choose to enjoy my days, but it seems like by my slowing down my personal pace, so much is getting left undone that it is actually causing me more stress!  Does that even make sense?

I am going to work on finding the balance between "getting it all done" and "enjoying the process".  I hope I have a better report in several days.

How is your January?


  1. I hope sweet Leah had a happy birthday! :) I hope that your schedule next week becomes whatever you and your kids need it to be to keep up without being stressed. It's okay that you took some time to get back into the swing of things! Have a great weekend!

  2. Sounds like us! I woke up at 5:45 on Monday ready for a great week and by 10 it was obvious my oldest had the flu! I was so bummed. I encouraged him to keep pushing and get everything done, but then his dad sent him to bed. Then by Wed, I was not feeling good. Finally, Thurs and Fri I got up early again and we finished strong. I'm only doing 2 Sonlight cores, where you're doing 3, right? We got ahead in our reading over Christmas break, so we do have a little wiggle room, which is helpful for going to the grocery store, bank, etc. They may go skiing Monday so we're going to try to read ahead this weekend in Measle's Sonlight and maybe get her to do some LA and other Sonlight stuff. I find that if I don't get up by 5:50 at the latest, I can't keep us on our schedule. If I want to add exercise, it gets 30 min or so earlier. So, no I haven't been doing much of that lately. Just walking, pushing a stroller with a couple of kids when I get the chance. My bigger kids like to ride their scooters with me. It's fun, but not exactly quality exercise. I'm so excited our local gym opens their pool remodel this week. We can't wait! I'll probably find a way to start swimming again- even if it means doing it at night.

    Take care and have a great weekend! My oldest two are on a swim meet with my folks. They're doing great so far and can't wait to see them tonight and study the heat sheet!


  3. Coming back to school has been bumpy :), I opened a new blog:
    and I began my year long journey to run 26.2 miles. Due to personal circumstances it is going to take me a whole year to get there, but I am praying and determined. I think my word for 2012 is going to be kaizen (from a Simple Mom blog post I read). My drip drops will eventually fill a bucket :). Sunshine

  4. We are in a similar boat here, going to be later (me), waking later, and houding kids to do chores. We have been schooling by the fire too which is not so productive. Thankfully we have warm weather this week, we are headed to the school building and going to get back to "real" school. It seems that finding the balance is a journey, not sure that if we got there we could stay as much as things change with kids and ages and grades!
    good luck this week!

  5. The last few years I have found that trying to get back into the groove of school and whatever after the holidays just doesn't happen. When I make out detailed plans and have everything ready to go something major happens....sickness or whatever! This year we started a kitchen remodel the day after Christmas and then two weeks later wound up with several sick children...Caedmon even had another ambulance ride to the ER. Hoping to get going again tomorrow (after going to the doctor again), but Lauren needs some help moving later in the week, Jeff will be filming EVERY NIGHT this week and one or two of the children will be with him AND Lauren is already dilated to 1 cm and is not due for 4 more weeks. We'll be bringing the grandchildren up here for a few days I am sure!! Maybe by the time March gets here....but then there will be the garden to get in and vacation plans.....always something!
