
Thursday, December 1, 2011

In Case You Need a Laugh Today

I posted this video last spring when I was training for my first marathon.  I still laugh every time I watch it!

My second marathon is just 2 days away.  2 days!  I am not nearly as nervous this time.  I have run 480 training miles in 13.5 weeks to prepare.  However, I have only run farther than 22 miles one time, and that was my first marathon.  Lynn and I ran two 18s, one 19, two 20s, and one 22 miler during our training this time.  We should be ok!  The weather forecast is looking promising, with the low Friday night predicted to be 38 degrees and the high Saturday, 60.  60 is a little warm for a marathon, but that is way, way cooler than my first marathon, where the finishing temperature was 89!

My goal is still under five hours.  Lynn and I completed our first marathon in 5 hours, 15 minutes.  I really, really hope we can beat that time.  I really, really want a 4 in the hours part of my time.

We have a fun weekend planned with friends before, during, and after the race.  We have several St. Jude Marathon race weekend traditions that we have established, and I am looking forward to the entire experience.

Enjoy the video!


  1. Good luck with the run! I'll be thinking about you as I sleep in Saturday! If you have a Huey's burger then I'll be jealous for sure!

  2. Good luck today! I'll be thinking of you all the way from Maine! I ran my first race (Beach2Beacon) this past August and am hooked. Now, if I could only run races with out the daily running. OR maybe I could have people run behind me cheering me on? Your family should come to Maine this next August and run the Beach2Beacon. You would LOVE it. It's a 10K that runs along the coast. Lots of fun and REALLY well run. Best wishes today. Can't wait to read about the "4"!
