
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Christmas Tea Party

 Leah, all dressed and ready for her guests to arrive

As part of my older girls' home economics class, they are required to plan, prepare, and host (and clean up after!) a variety of events throughout the year.  Yesterday they hosted a Christmas themed tea party for Leah and eight of her homeschooled friends.  Olivia and Julie spent several days planning the menu, creating a grocery list, planning the decorations, creating the invitations and place cards, preparing all of the food, and setting the table.

They did a fabulous job!  

The menu was:
chocolate covered pretzels
cheese rounds 
star shaped sugar cookies
fresh pineapple and strawberries
sausage and cheese mini muffins
hot chocolate
pineapple/banana punch

 the table setting

 the delicious food

 the beautiful pretzels

The invitations asked each little girl to wear holiday attire and bring their favorite doll.

 the guests with their dolls

 the dolls sitting patiently while the girls enjoyed their tea party

 the girls waiting to be served by Olivia and Julie


Olivia and Julie fixed each girl a plate and served them either hot chocolate or punch.  They promptly served refills and seconds as the little girls enjoyed their tea party.  The table was so quiet!  I think the girls were trying to have good manners.  They were precious!

After eating, the girls all gathered their dolls and went off to play.  We then let all of the little and big brothers of the guests come into the kitchen to fix a plate of food.  They devoured what was left!  The boys spent their time playing legos and blocks in our schoolroom and playing outside in the freezing cold.

It was a super party!  My girls are wonderful hostesses, and they did an excellent job of cleaning up after the guests had all gone home.


  1. What a lovely tea party. The girls did a great job! (Looks like I have lots of reading here to catch up. I have been so busy I have had little time for blogging or blog reading.)

  2. Sarah, Hannah, and Lydia had such a wonderful time! Olivia and Julie did a lovely job with the tea party and all the delicious refreshments.

  3. I'm so glad Leah FINALLY got to have her tea party. She had been waiting FOREVER! haha Everything looked great! Miss all of you!
