
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Woodall Dash 5K

Very early this morning we travelled north to Woodall Mountain for the Woodall Dash 5K. Rising 806 feet, Woodall Mountain is the highest point in Mississippi! The weather was hot, sticky, and muggy....not the best weather for a run! Sadly, Jimmy is on call this weekend and for the second time ever, our family ran a race without him. We really missed him!

The children ran well, and were awarded the following medals: Olivia--2nd place female (15-19), Julie--1st place female (14 and under), Clay--3rd place male (14 and under). Not very many 40-44 year old females ran this race today, so I won 1st place! My time was 2 minutes slower than what I normally do a 5K in. I experimented with not looking at my GPS watch to check my pace throughout the race. I have never not monitored myself during a 5K. I could tell I was not pushing myself, so I really wasn't surprised with my time. This was a hilly course, and for the first time in a long, long while, my knee hurt after the race. All of our times are listed in the sidebar under race results. Our next 5K is June 5. If my friend Dorothy runs with me, I hope to have a faster time. She really helps me during a race. I missed running with her today!

Spartans at the race today:
Clay, Josh, Leslie, Olivia, and Julie

Josh's mother, Kathy, watched Sam for me while I ran. Her husband David ran too, and he won a medal also. I always appreciate my friends that watch my younger children at these races. Leah was at her cousin's house this morning, so Kathy only had Sam.

Something funny---When the girls were through running, and we were waiting for the results and awards, they went to the van and brought back their crocheting (large bags of yarn, stuffing, and books plus their current project). As they were walking to the gathering area, crocheting all the time, I overheard a lady say to her friend, "I always see young girls walking and texting, but I have never seen girls walking and crocheting!

After the race, we enjoyed a late breakfast/early lunch at Subway.

Olivia, Julie, Leslie, and Clay at Subway

Sam at Subway

When we were through eating, we travelled next to Corinth for cousin Grace's 7th birthday party. Leah was already there (she had spent the night), so we all joined her for the 4 hour party! Yes Aunt Jenny had a 4 hour party for eight 6 and 7 year old girls plus my children.
As soon as we arrived, Sam spotted a battery powered vehicle. I am not sure what its official title is, but Sam thought it was a riding lawn mower. He rode around and around Aunt Jenny's backyard, dodging squealing little girls for three and a half hours! He rode that toy until the battery completely died. Then he came inside and told Uncle Jeff that he was all finished cutting the yard! He really thought he was cutting the grass! He told me that there was one spot that he just couldn't get, but he did pick up many sticks. He put all of the sticks in the little scoop in the front. When Uncle Jeff complimented Sam on a job well done, Sam responded, "I couldn't get all of the sticks, but I got a yot (lot) of them!" He was so proud of cutting that grass!

Sam on the "riding mower"

By the end of the party, Julie, Clay, and Leslie jumped into the pool too. Everyone had a super time at Grace's party. We had pizza, a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake, and lots of fun!

Leah, Grace (the birthday girl), Julie, and Leslie



We are home now, and we all are thoroughly exhausted! We are also all dirty and sweaty, and Sam and Leah are both showing the effects of getting up extremely early and playing hard outside all day.

It's been a good day, but it would have been a great day if Jimmy could have been here with us!


  1. We had fun! Sam is so cute, it was fun to watch him during the race.

  2. I love that the girls were crocheting not texting! That is just great!!

  3. What great pictures, Roan! Sound like the run was a fun one! Love the pool shots! Always a fave of mine!
    Hope you are doing well, and that you have a delightful week!
