
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Homeschool Conference

Last weekend Jimmy and I attended our state homeschool conference in Starkville. My parents kept our children, so Jimmy and I enjoyed a night alone in a hotel! Jimmy had to work on Friday, so he joined me after he got off. I spent that first day visiting with friends and listening to great speakers. Voddie Baucham was the keynote speaker, and he was fabulous! I also attended sessions held by my real life friend, Mary Jo (Building Your Home Library), as well as ones about homeschooling high school and using Sonlight.

Starkville is home to Mississippi State University where Jimmy and I both graduated. We met at State, we were engaged right there on the State campus, and we married one month after I graduated from State. Being in Starkville together always brings back fond memories for us. After Jimmy arrived Friday night, we joined several of our friends from Corinth for supper at Oby's. Delicious! Oby's is a restaurant that we frequented while we were dating 20 years ago. The food there is just as good today as it was then! Jimmy and I ordered the same thing we always did while we were dating: roast beef sandwiches with gravy. Yummy! We really enjoyed our dinner company....we laughed and talked and I think I drank a gallon of sweet tea!

After our long supper, Jimmy and I took a walk around State's campus. The weather was nice, and it was such a pleasant walk! I had a hard time sleeping that night....I think it was all that tea I drank until 10:00 PM!

Jimmy and I attended some sessions together and some separately on Saturday. We were inspired by Mr. Voddie Baucham! Between sessions we hung out in the curriculum fair where we visited and visited and visited some more. We saw so many people we knew! Friends from high school. Friends from college. Friends from medical school (including our next door neighbors from married student housing when Jimmy was in medical school!). Friends from previous homeschool conferences. We really enjoyed ourselves immensely!

At the end of the day we left refreshed and ready for our 10th year of homeschooling!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say hello. I found your blog through Holiday in the Sun. We used Sonlight all the way through our school (8 years so far). My daughter was a freshman in college this year and did great. She was way more prepared and knew more than I realized. When homeschooling, I was always worried we weren't doing enough, especially since we were "just reading books", but she did great and was a much better writer than her classmates, which shocked me!!! Wow! I WAS a good homeschool mom after all. Who knew? LOL

    I also see you are using Notgrass next year with your 10th grader. We did the American History Notgrass, with a tiny little group of girls from our church. It was 5 girls and 5 mothers. It was a wonderful intimate experience. We took two years to go through it. Anyway...Notgrass was AWESOME!!! I'm going to use it with my 15 year old son. I want to get the Notgrass economics curriculum and give it a try.

    Kind regards,
    Mrs. AllyJo
