
Sunday, May 16, 2010

6th Grade Curriculum

Clay will be in the 6th grade next year.

Sonlight Core 5--this covers history, geography, independent readers, and read alouds. Clay will have a timeline book, and he will work with Leah and Julie in marking a world map as we read about different areas of our world. Core 5 covers the Eastern Hemisphere.

Language Arts--Sonlight Core 5 Language Arts (for copywork, dictation, composition)
Sequential Spelling
Daily Grams
Easy Grammar
Wordly Wise Book 5

Math--Teaching Textbooks 6

Bible--daily family Bible study, independent Bible reading, learn one memory verse per week.

Science--Apologia Human Body

Rosetta Stone Spanish

Mavis Beacon Typing


  1. I have to be honest, Roan...I have not always had the best attitude about homeschooling...partially due to my time as special ed coordinator many moons ago when parents who would pull their children out of school bc of discipline problems and say they were going to "homeschool" them rather than deal with the real issues. Those kids would return the very next year with the same disipline problems and to make matters worse behind in school. Since my brother-in-law and his wife began homeschooling their kids, I've learned more about what real homeschooling is...and since I started blogging I've been blown away by the amount of time, organization, effort, etc. it takes for homeschooling. Kudos to you and all the other homeschooling moms out there...I'm so impressed...and even wish that maybe I'd been bold enough to take the plunge myself. Kendal will graduate next year and Whitney the year after, but Reagan is just in kindergarten and HATES school. She loves to read and write, count, ask questions, discuss deep things at home...but has cried most days this year on the way to school. If only public school curriculum was like your homeschool curriculum...I have a lot to think over this summer. I enjoy and learn a lot from your homeschooling posts. :)

  2. Yikes...sorry that comment was so long...didn't realize I'd ranted until after I hit publish :)
