
Saturday, May 15, 2010

1st Grade Curriculum

Leah will be in first grade next year! This is what I will be using for her.

Sonlight Core K--this includes a Bible storybook, a timeline book, and many, many read alouds. Here is a link to a complete listing. These books cover history, geography, and literature.

Language Arts--Readers 1 and Language Arts 1 from Sonlight. This includes spelling, copywork, and a variety of other language arts skills.
Explode the Code books 1-3 for phonics
A Reason For Handwriting Book A

Math--Horizons 1

Bible--daily Bible lessons with the family, plus learn one memory verse per week.

Science--Apologia Astronomy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Roan, thanks for sharing this.
    First time for me feeling like I have any idea what I should really be planning for a school year, & I don't want to be 'last minuting' anything. I've been planning for fall already, and feel like I have a 'plan'.
    have a great weekend- Laura
