
Sunday, June 21, 2009

School Prep 3

As all of my new curriculum arrives, I sort it out by placing each child's workbooks, textbooks, and other resources into his work bucket. I store all of the currently used teacher editions and teacher resource books on one shelf in my schoolroom for easy access. Some of our courses are entirely completed on the computer, so I store any supplies the child may need for that course on a shelf beside the computer.

Some of the workbooks I use are reproducible. You are allowed to purchase one copy for your family, and make copies for each child. If it is less expensive to just buy each child their own copy rather than copying the book, I do that. If not, I take the book to a place like Staples and have them cut off the book binding. Then it can be easily copied. I like to have each child's copy of the reproducible book comb bound. Occasionally I use a 3-hole puncher and store the copy in a 3-ring binder, but the comb binding takes up much less space. Recently I spent $2.00 to have the binding cut off a book and $1.49 to have it comb bound.

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