
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fun Family Weekend

We have spent time with both sides of our family this weekend.
Saturday night the children and I traveled to Huntsville for my cousin's wedding. (Jimmy is on call this weekend, so sadly he missed all of the festivities, including Father's Day!) We met my parents at the wedding, and we all enjoyed visiting during the wedding and the reception, which were both beautiful! My cousin was the groom, and he and his bride were both beaming!

Leah enjoying her dinner at the reception

Olivia and Mims

Clay, Me, and Pops

Uncle Wayne and Aunt Jennye (parents of the groom), Julie, and Meme

Aunt Jennye and Julie

Sam was not feeling well, so I did not get a decent picture of him. He actually looks pretty pitiful...he has pink eye in both eyes, and he had a 4 wheeler wreck a couple of days ago. He has a skinned place on his forehead.
My parents followed us home after the wedding and spent the night. I was able to give my daddy his Father's Day present in person!
My parents left this afternoon with Olivia, Julie, and Clay in tow. The children are so excited about their vacation at Mims and Pops's house!
Jimmy was able to run home for about 5 minutes this afternoon (while on call). Leah and Sam excitedly wished him Happy Father's Day and gave him their cards. We actually gave Jimmy his Father's Day gift a couple of weeks ago. I knew that he would be working this weekend, and the gift was something for his camera.....we gave it to him before our vacation to San Francisco.
After Sam's 3 hour nap, I loaded up Sam (still with pink eye) and Leah and took them to Granmomma's and Pop's house. Russ and Megan were there along with Jenny and Jeff and their family. We had grilled hamburgers and the kids played around in the back yard.

Sam and Grace rolling around in the grass

the girls

the boys

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