
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday

I recently changed the homepage on my computer from Google to iGoogle. iGoogle has the same search engine as regular Google, plus a whole lot more. You can choose from hundreds of applications to add to your homepage. You can also select from a large number of backgrounds. I chose a pink dotted one--very cute! I selected the following applications:

Bible Verse of the Day

To Do List---you type your to do list, choose if each item is high, medium, or low priority, then "x" it when you complete it by deleting it from your list. This has taken a little bit of getting used to for me, because I like the satisfaction of seeing all of those items crossed out on my to do list. On iGoogle, the completed item is just removed from your list.

5 Day Local Weather Forecast


Calendar/Datebook--here you can type in your appointments and reminders for each day. An added feature to this application is that iGoogle will send you an email reminder before each event on your calendar. You can also add your daily menu on each day.

I haven't completely abandoned my "paper" calendar/datebook, but I am really enjoying seeing my to do list and calendar each time I use my computer.

Each person in your family with a separate email/google/blogger account, can create their own iGoogle page. You just sign in and out as you change users.

Check out We Are That Family for more Wednesday's tips.


  1. I will have to check that out!! Never heard of it. I always have Google come up since I use it constantly with my job! Thanks for the info...hope you have a great day!

  2. Great one! I just did that, too! Hannah is dying to do it for herself, esp. after I told her about the "pictures of cute kittens," "hangman," and "birthday reminders."
