
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Recipe Makeover

This is what my recipe collection looked like BEFORE! That file of loose recipes was about 2 inches thick, and all three of those binders are full of recipes. The little binder with the heart on it is the binder with matching recipe cards. I cleaned out all of the loose pieces of paper and extra recipe cards and left the rest neatly in this binder (which was a wedding present).The rest of the recipes were purged and then consolidated into this ONE binder.Each category has a laminated page divider. I decided not to retype recipes written on recipe cards, notepads, regular paper, etc. I just taped the smaller cards and pieces of paper onto a regular sized piece of paper, and inserted all of the recipes into page protectors. A few of the recipes were written on both the front and back of the card. For those I just put one piece of tape at the top of the card. I can pull the page out of the protector in order to flip up the card to see the back. The recipes that were already typed really looker neater, but I just don't have the time or the desire to type all of those other recipes. Having all of the recipes in page protectors really makes the binder look neat, plus the protectors will protect the recipes when I am cooking.This is my cookbook shelf. I removed all of the cookbooks that I rarely use, and I put them in a cabinet directly under this shelf.
Please visit I'm an Organizing Junkie for more recipe makeovers.


  1. I need to do this! I was just looking thru a bunch of recipes I printed from the internet. I was thinking I need to put these in a binder. Where did you get the laminating done?

  2. It looks nice and tidy now. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I didn't retype any of my smaller recipes either. Good job on your roundup!

  4. The heart binder is very cute. And your shelf is so nice and neat.

  5. Great work! Love the binder (and the cover is cute!). I think that you made a smart decision about not needing to rewrite the "random recipes"...that's good priority making! Me, on the other hand, torture myself and retype's a sickness I have. :) I bet everything feels so good having it organized and now you can try out some new recipes!
