
Friday, May 15, 2020

Are Your Days All The Same?

Do you have to think about what day of the week it is? What is the date? What is the month?

Without the regular markers of going places on certain days, I frequently lose track of what day it is. Most days seem like Saturday, even we are doing school. Thankfully, our homeschool year is wrapping up. Leah has to study for and take one last chemistry test. Sam is taking his last physical science test today, and they each have to finish up their current chapter in their vocabulary workbook, Wordly Wise. (We will just pick up where they leave off in August.) I am reading aloud to them Amos Fortune, Free Man, and we should finish that Monday or Tuesday. Then this school year is DONE! Yay!

More days of sameness coming up! But I have to say that with the exception of not getting to attend worship services and Bible studies with my church family (in person....not on Zoom), I am pretty content with the sameness of my days. I like walking more than once a day. I like reading outside after lunch. I like doing my housework in the late afternoon (since I don't have to be anywhere!). I like cooking more involved suppers some nights (again, I am home; I don't have to rely on the crock pot to cook while I am at some activity). I DO miss my friends. And I am sad that my children's camps and activities are cancelled. I know they miss their friends too. We have let them visit their cousins some recently, and that has helped everyone's spirits.

Speaking of sameness, there is one thing, that stays the same and His sameness brings great comfort. Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." For that, I am thankful. When I feel anxious about the uncertainty of our future or even sometimes anxious about the sameness of my days, I also draw comfort from this passage of Scripture:
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:6-7

Changing the subject----about the internet. I heard on the news earlier this week that 32% of Mississippians do not have access to broadband internet. Guess what? We are in the 32%! Our satellite internet has been tested and stretched to the max these last two months. With Clay doing his college work online, and all the Zoom services and studies we have going on, in both March and April we got the "you are about to use all your data for the month" warning from Viasat about 8 days before our billing cycle was up. We squeaked by both months, barely!
One day our home will have high-speed internet service. One day.
Thankfully, blogging does not use up a lot of data.

I hope everyone has a fun, safe, and productive weekend.

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