
Monday, May 18, 2020

A Camping Trip

Last Friday we went camping at Tishomingo State Park, which is about an hour from our house. We stayed only one night (I didn't want to have to pack up camp and drive home in time for our church service Sunday morning), but we stayed all day Saturday until 5:00. It was nice to get away from home for a little while. It was very restful for me once we got there. I prepared all our food beforehand, so after I got everything set up in our camper, I spent my time reading in a chair outside. I finished John Grisham's new book, Camino Winds.

Here are some highlights from the trip.

Yesterday Josh Keenan joined us for lunch. He was driving from Tampa to Colorado, and he spent Saturday night with Julie and Big Sam. They all joined us for lunch Sunday after church services. (Julie and her family eat lunch with us every Sunday--makes me so happy!)

Josh was sporting a nice cornavirus hairdo, so Big Sam offered to give him a trim! After he used the clippers, I cut a little bit on top. I was scared I would mess up his hair, so I probably did not cut it short enough. 

Here we all are just before Josh got on the road again.
(Jimmy is the photographer.)

I have a little side note to share......I listed on my Modern Mrs. Darcy 2020 Reading Challenge list that I would read The Accidentals as my "book nominated for an award in 2020". Well. I started reading it over the weekend, and I pretty quickly abandoned it. I ordered it from Amazon, so I couldn't flip through it first like I do when I am in an actual bookstore. I realize that authors put a lot of time in writing novels, and I don't want to offend her, so I will just say that this book is not for me. 
Why? Two reasons mostly. One--it was a depressing subject, and it included more graphic descriptions of difficult situations than I am comfortable with, and two--it was full of profanity, including the Lord's name in vain. That is why I like to flip through a book before buying unless it is by an author I am familiar with. 

So, now I am on a quest for another book nominated for a prize in 2020. I think I will look at the Pulitzer Prize list and see if anything looks promising. 

As soon as I published this post, I looked at the winners and finalists for the Pulitzer Prizes for 2020. Guess what? The Dutch House by Ann Patchett was a finalist in fiction. Yay! I have already read (or listened to) that last month. Now I have just one book left to complete the challenge. 


  1. Dear Roan,
    We are always gaining wisdom and discernment aren't we? I too have begun reading a book choice like what you did with one of your books, and I will drop a book in a heartbeat if it contains things that offend my LORD. I made my own Reading Challenge this year and I have enjoyed it very much.

    1. Hi Cathy,
      Thankfully there are still many books out there that are quality literature without being offensive.
      I would love to hear about your reading challenge. I may make my own challenge for 2021.
