
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hello! Hello!

Yes.  I am still around.

I have no idea why I have not blogged in OVER TWO WEEKS! 

We have celebrated Sam's 8th birthday, survived freezing cold weather (No ice.  A dusting of occasional snow.  Just cold, cold, cold.), visited Olivia at college, and been very diligent in our homeschool.

On Monday, I had a post published at The Homeschool Classroom.  It's all about scheduling your homeschool day.  I think I shared earlier that I made a few changes to our previous 2013-2014 school day schedule.  The last month has flowed fairly smoothly.

I plan to get back to blogging on a regular basis, beginning right now!  :)

In the meantime, you can click here to read the scheduling post.

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