
Monday, January 20, 2014

Menu and Miles

Monday:  tilapia with spinach, salad
Tuesday:  rice and bean buffet --I cook a pot of rice, and then I set up a buffet of toppings:  various peas and beans, corn, chopped tomatoes and onions, and various sauces.
Wednesday:  BBQ chicken, baked beans, slaw, rolls
Thursday:  roasted red pepper rice and lentils

I exercised 5 days last week--2 days of T25 and 3 days of running (3 miles, 3 miles, and 6 miles).  This week I plan to do 2-3 days of T25 and run 3 days again (3 miles, 4 miles, and 7 miles).
I really like the T25 workouts.  I cannot keep up with the people on the DVD…yet!  I hope to be able to after a few weeks.

This and That:
  1. Julie got her driver's license a couple of weeks ago. Yay!
  2. I sewed some doll clothes before we started back to school, and I hope to sew either an apron for Olivia or a cute peasant dress for Julie.  I also have a pants outfit cut out for Leah, but I cut it out so long ago, that it may be too small for her now.  My secret to sewing is 30 minutes at a time.  Actually, 25 minutes.  I use the last 5 minutes to tidy up my sewing area.  But, it all adds up, and 30 minutes is not enough time for me to get overwhelmed or frustrated while sewing.
  3. I recently decided to follow the teacher's guide for Leah and Sam's Apologia elementary science course (it's the ocean animals one, I can't remember the exact name).  What a great idea!  I had been following my own plan which meant that we sporadically completed the lessons….. and since we started back to school in January, I have followed the lesson plans provided.  Guess what?  It works!  Their plan is so much better than mine!  And it saves me time.  If we keep on track, we will finish the course in April.  Leah and Sam have already decided which course they want to do next--Botany.  I have already done that course twice (with Olivia, Julie, and Clay), so I hope I can do it again.  I will!
Happy Monday!

Visit for more menu ideas.


  1. I just now learned the concept of following the plan while homeschooling, too. I've always been the 'my way or the highway' type, but following the plan sure does take a lot of the stress of it out - especially with so many kids in the house. Your menu plan sounds fantastic, by the way! I love tilapia!

  2. I like the idea of your rice and bean buffet and may have to borrow it. I'm doing something similar on Friday with pasta and calling it Smorgasboard.

  3. Quick question-what do you think about the T25 program? I've been thinking of getting it. I have Insanity already. Hope all is well.
    Julie Jackson
    (PS You emailed me last April after Boston when I commented on your blog!)
