
Monday, May 7, 2018

And We're Off!

First of all, tomorrow is my 10 year blogging anniversary! I cannot believe how fast those ten years have flown by, and how much my family has changed. Ten years ago, my children were 2,4,9,10, and 13. Now, the two oldest are married, Clay is in college, and we are expecting our first grandchild in early September!

I have big plans to blog several lists of ten things during the month of May to celebrate my ten years of blogging. These lists will include things like 10 favorite beauty products, 10 best homeschool materials, 10 ways to study your Bible, and many more. But......I may be delayed in beginning the lists of tens because:

We are on our way to Romania!

Clay, Leah, Sam, and I are leaving Atlanta in just about an hour, and Jimmy will be joining us next Monday. (Don't worry about robbers finding my house....I have a house sitter, a great security system, and four big dogs that guard our place.)

I hope to blog about our trip while we are here. I have great intentions!


  1. Enjoy your visit with Julie and Sam! I am excited for y'all to see where they live and minister in Romania.

  2. Just thinking that I guess I have been reading your blog all ten years! :)
