
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Spring Fever

The weather here in north Mississippi can't seem to make up its mind.  One day we need to run the air conditioner, the next the heat. In fact, when Leanna and I met at 6:15 this morning to run, it was 38 degrees. Typical. I don't think it has been above 40 degrees in months when we have met in the mornings to run. I am ready for some consistently warmer weather! We have actually had some days here and there where the temperatures were in the upper 60s-70s, so everything is blooming and is so pretty! Our dogwoods and azaleas are just lovely.

We are in track season, so that means getting to sit outside for hours and hours while the kids run and run! I am hoping for beautiful weather for our state homeschool track meet next Friday.

As the days warm up, I long to be outside reading a book instead of inside doing school! I plan to do what I always do as soon as it is warm enough--move our read aloud time to the backyard. I also eat my lunch outside when the weather is nice. We don't have too many pleasant days before it is super hot.

We are slowing winding down our school year. Since we have a 18 day trip (total travel time) to Romania next month, we will not finish all our school subjects before we leave. I plan to keep on keeping on until we have finished--even if it takes on into June to do so! I also plan on beginning our next school year at the very end of July, so that does not give us too long of a summer break. But that's ok! I reminded the kids that most of May is a vacation, so that is part of our summer. The reason I am starting us in late July is so that when Julie's baby is born in early September we can take some time off for that! I. cannot. wait.

I have so many cleaning out projects that I am itching to do! They include the rest of my kitchen (I've done over half my drawers and cabinets), the "secret room" which is an unfinished area upstairs where I have stored many, many toys and lots of Olivia's and Julie's things, and Sam's room and mostly his walk-in closet that has become a catch-all for, well, everything.  I would love to have a TV show come do the secret room and Sam's room and closet for me! Both of those rooms are going to be major projects that require big chunks of time. I'm really too embarrassed to post before pictures, but I may get brave and do that.

As you can see, yard work is not on my list. Thankfully, when Clay and his roommate were home for spring break, they did almost all of our spring yard work! All we really have to do is maintain now. I am so grateful for all the hours they spent putting out mulch.

I hope you are enjoying your spring too.

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