
Thursday, August 24, 2017

To Blog Or Not To Blog

I first began blogging in May of 2008.  I don't even remember the original purpose except that it was a fairly new (to me) thing, and it sounded like something I would enjoy. I spent some time trying to decide if I wanted a homeschool-related blog only (and I looked at some homeschool blogging platforms) or a general blog (and I considered Blogspot, the only platform I saw that others were using).  In the end I went with Google's Blogspot and writing a blog of a general nature.

I have never had any rhyme or reason to my blog. I have just shared my life over the last 9 years in a less than consistent manner. My topics have included homemaking, homeschooling, parenting, sickness, grief, vacations, random fun, Scripture, how-to, holidays, running, exercise, and most recently weddings. I have also never had any specific goals for my blog--just sharing information that was relevant to me in hopes that it may bring joy or offer help or encouragement to someone else too.

I have been trying to decide what to do with this blog for several months now. Part of me wants to create a routine where I blog on a regular basis (5 days a week? once a week? twice a week?). Part of me wants to stop altogether. Part of me wants to completely delete the blog off the internet.

Do people even read blogs anymore?

Is there anything else to say that has not been said?

Does anyone even care that my family ran yet another race or that I dropped off yet another child at college, or that we have started yet another year of homeschooling (the 16th!) or that I have found the best way to clean my shower door or that my heart is broken because my three oldest children are grown and gone and it happened too fast and I am trying to find the positive in all my situations.

I am not sure what I am going to do.

If I continue blogging, what topics are you, my readers, most interested in?

  • random family life
  • homemaking tips and ideas
  • homeschooling tips and ideas
  • exercise
  • recipes and meal planning
  • home organization, cleaning, etc.
  • personal Bible study-thoughts/ideas/applications
  • products and books that I like
  • wedding planning ideas and specifics
I hope to begin our fall routine with what will be our new normal family life on Monday. We did begin school last Monday, but we left last Thursday to bring Clay to college. We have done a couple of days of hotel school, but we have yet to settle into a routine of school, piano, XC and art classes. Most of that will begin for us next week. 


  1. I LOVE your blog and get so excited when there is a new post! I just love reading about other moms' lives. You do a great job! Please don't quit!

    1. I'm going to keep on blogging! :) Thank you for your support.

  2. Well, I love your blog, so I vote "to blog", but that's entirely up to you!

    One thing I find useful about my own blogs (I have one private, one public-I'll send you the invite to the private!!) is that it's a helpful record for me. I love being able to look back and say "that's when we did that!" I don't make photo albums or scrapbooks--though I should--and the blogs, in a way, fulfill that purpose for me. I look back at mine to find recipes, or links to articles, or when we took a trip, or that kind of thing.

    As for you--do what you feel is best! I love reading details of things like home organization, cleaning, homeschool stuff....and yeah, wedding planning! (We're a long way off from that over here, but it's fun to think about....I've planned two weddings in my day--mine and someone else's, so it's kind of an area of interest for me.)

    Praying for you as this new season of life settles in. I know it must be hard to have your three big kids grown up....I guess to that end, you could even write about that, about how to adjust or what you're glad you did, in retrospect, or what you wished you'd done more of--that kind of thing.

    Life's seasons sure do change! Thinking of you!

    1. Thank you Polly for your encouragement. I do plan to write about the adjustment we are all going through! I also have planned a very detailed list of vendors, websites, etc. that I used when planning the weddings this summer.

  3. I recently found your blog when I was researching homeschooling. I fell in love with your blog! So, whatever you decide to do, if you blog.... I'll be reading!!

    1. Hi Laralee,
      I am so glad you found my blog. I have some posts planned regarding our homeschool this year. It is different this year because I have only 2 students, plus I am implementing some new curriculum and routines. I do plan to keep on blogging! Thank you for your encouragement!

  4. I love your blog! It's just one of three that I follow & have followed for years. Your authentic sharing of a Jesus loving, healthy living, joyful homeschooling family has been such a blessing and encouragement to me. I am so very grateful for your entries & delight whenever I see one. You have such a wealth of experience, wisdom and perspective and I am thankful for your blog to "know" you.

    1. Thank you! I am so happy to know that somehow I have encouraged you! I am going to keep on blogging, and I hope to do so with more regularity. :)

  5. OH please keep blogging in whatever manner works for you. I never comment, so this is a first for you, but I read hundreds of blogs (yours included!)

    1. Sue,
      Thank you for commenting. It's comments like yours that have encouraged me to keep on blogging! :)

  6. I enjoy your blog. Its a contrast to my life in Australia and I love to hear what works for Mums of teens and older. Its a time of life where we share much less than we did when we had babies and toddlers

    1. Hello in Australia!
      How exciting that someone from another country reads my blog!
      I agree. There is not that much out there about teens and young adult children. I think it's actually harder to parent older children than it is to parent babies and toddlers! I hope to share about my journey with older children in the future.

  7. I do enjoy reading your blog and feel like I know ya'll and have enjoyed "watching" your family grow up and spread their wings. Its really neat when I see you out in public since we are in the same area. I feel like I have seen a celebrity!

    1. Hi Karen!
      Please stop me and say hi when you see me in town!
      Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I really enjoy your blog! I have not commented before, but have enjoyed
    following your family for years. Your older three have grown up and I would really like to know about them as they start their adult lives. Your family is precious! I am from a small family and have really been blessed by yours!

    1. Thank you for commenting! It's so nice to know that people are reading my blog. I am so happy that I may have brought you a small blessing. I do plan to share about my three older children---where they are, what they are doing, and hopefully when they visit! :)

  10. I've been a faithful reader for a long time. I love blogs still. I'd love all of your ideas- but would really enjoy favorites (these are my fav. types of posts to read) favorite books, blogs you read, Bible studies, podcasts, songs, beauty stuff, makeup stuff you might enjoy, etc). And day in the life, and just family life, daily stuff. Don't delete it because I love your blog and find you vulnerable, real, open, and honest.

    1. Kelly,
      Thank you for your support! I also appreciate the topic suggestions you made. I would love to share some "favorites" lists, and I already have some ideas! :) I'm also glad you think I'm real and honest, because I struggle with that. I don't want people to think I try to be some sort of Super Woman. It's a fine line with trying to be positive (my goal) and people think you are not being real (I am!). We all have burdens and trials. They help shape us into who we are. :)

  11. I really enjoy your blog. I love that it's about whatever is on your mind, and as a fellow homeschooler with a biggish family, reading about how you juggle several kids' schoolwork is very helpful to me. I'm also a runner, and I love reading about your races. If you do decide to stop blogging, (I hope you don't!), please consider leaving your blog up; it's so helpful and encouraging!!

    1. Sarah,
      Thank you for commenting. I will continue to blog, and I will continue to share our races, homeschooling, and life in general. (We are running a 5K this Monday!)

  12. I enjoy reading it. Always gives me different ideas on bible studies. Miss the cooking posts and recipes. Keep it coming.

    1. Thank you!
      I have added to my to-do blogging list posts about Bible study, recipes, and other topics as well. I appreciate your reading! :)

  13. I love your blog! I've been reading it for many years! I enjoy all topics you blog about.

    1. Michelle,
      Thank you for your support! I plan to keep on blogging, and I hope you continue to enjoy it. :)

  14. Please, please keep writing. I love to read anything you write :)

  15. I have enjoyed your blog so much over the years! You've been an encouragement to me in so many areas. Thank you! I struggle with my blog as well. I still use blogger and probably need to make a switch, but I'm not sure to what! Thanks again for your blog ☺️.
