
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Podcasts I Like

I discovered the world of podcasts several months (or even over a year?) ago. I began with Gretchen Rubin's Happier podcast, and I started at the beginning and listened to every single episode. I have since added Northeast COC, The Big Boo Cast, Side Hustle School, and Note to Self to my podcast library. I subscribe to all of these, and I download and listen to them whenever I can.  My normal podcast listening times are when I am in the car alone running errands or driving to the airport (about a 2 hour drive). Our whole family used to listen to the Florida College Daily Chapel podcasts until they switched to livestreaming chapel and dropped the podcast format.  Occasionally the kids will listen to podcasts with me--we will listen to sermons as a family while traveling--but the only podcast that I regularly listen to that holds their interest is Side Hustle School. So I usually just listen when I am alone. Sometimes I listen to podcasts when I am running outside.

Here is a little overview of each podcast I like. (I don't know how to include a link to the podcasts.....I just did a search in the podcast app on my iPhone to find the podcasts.  Then I subscribed to each one, and just like magic, a new episode appears on the feed on my phone whenever it is published.)

  • Happier With Gretchen Rubin:  Gretchen and her sister Elizabeth discuss a variety of happiness related topics, usually within the framework of the four personality tendencies that Gretchen has developed. The share a happiness hack (a handy tip), a happiness stumbling block, reader questions, and gold stars and demerits. They also sometimes interview guests, which I always find interesting.  The podcast is light-hearted and fun, and sometimes I even laugh out loud at Gretchen and Elizabeth.
  • Northeast COC: These are the weekly recorded sermons of our preacher, Trey Haskett. Trey has been working with our congregation since July, and he is such a good speaker. He is very knowledgable of God's Word, and his sermons are practical, encouraging, and inspiring. 
  • The Big Boo Cast: If you need a good laugh, then listen to any of Boo Mama's (Sophie) and Big Mama's (Melanie) podcasts. I have not listened to all of them, but I plan to start at their very first episode and get caught up. Leanna described this podcast the best...."It's like listening in on their phone conversations!" Sophie and Melanie talk about everything and nothing, and it is so entertaining! Some of their topics include kitchen renovations, skin care, fashion, TV shows (which I never know what they are talking about since we don't have cable!), their supper plans, and their daily life. Such a fun podcast!
  • Side Hustle School:  This is a new podcast, just launched on January 1 of this year. Chris Guillebeau hosts a daily, yes 7 days a week, podcast featuring stories of people with successful side-hustles. I learned that a side-hustle is a part time job that you have in addition to your normal full-time job. The people and the their stories are fascinating to me! Each podcast is about 7-8 minutes, so they are perfect for a short drive in the car. Like I said earlier, Leah and Sam will listen to this one without complaint. 
  • Note To Self:  Manoush Zomorodi is the host of this podcast about how technology affects our daily life. Sometimes the episodes are a little weird (to me), but overall I really enjoy them. I have not listened to all of them. I usually pick and choose based on the title and content description. I am especially interested in the episodes concerning our digital privacy. Fascinating. One of my favorite Note To Self podcasts is actually a series from last year Manoush did chronicling two working mothers and their quest to launch an app to help working mothers with their homemaking responsibilities. I was struck by the struggle they face balancing work, marriage, and parenting. Very interesting. I will say that this blog features content that is really far removed from my daily life, but that is one reason I like it so much. People can be so different in so many ways, but also we are the same. 
What about you? Do you listen to any podcasts? Do you think I would like to add them to my playlist?


  1. Podcasts are my absolute favorite technological -advanced-thing lately. I agree--they are perfect for trips to town, since it's usually at least 20 minutes each way for me. I only listen to the ones you've already listed, so I'm anxious to hear if anyone has a good suggestion!
    I'll also note that when you subscribe to "Happier", you will automatically receive "A Little Happier", which is where Gretchen talks about a little something that boosts her happiness; and it's only 2-5 minutes long. I look forward to these almost as much as I do the usual podcast!

  2. The only thing I listen to is Nancy Wolgemuth's (Nancy Leigh DeMoss, before she got married) "Revive our Hearts." But I don't know if it's in podcast form--I listen on the laptop. I'm not very technologically-capable!

    1. Hi Polly, Nancy's Wolgemuth's show is in podcast form! I found it on iTunes. I am going to look up the other podcast you mentioned too. I'm sure it will be on iTunes as well. Thank you so much for the suggestions! :)

  3. Hi Roan! Just checking in after yours and Jimmy's visit! We enjoyed visiting with y'all! Love your list of podcasts! Happier is one of my favorites and I also enjoy listening to "This is Your Life" with Michael Hyatt as well as many of the sermons from the Village Church. I usually listen while running errands or ironing. Happy Wednesday!

  4. How could I forget! I love the Read Aloud Revival Podcast! (again, I just listen on my laptop, but I do believe it is in podcast form.) It's so good!!

    1. Oh....I forgot. I already have the Read Aloud Revival podcast on my phone! LOL! I forgot I had that one....I guess I haven't listened to it in a long time! :)
