
Monday, November 21, 2016

Book Club Today

I know I have not posted yet about our book, Better Than Before. I have not forgotten!  I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to clean my whole entire house, change sheets on lots of beds, and cook four different kinds of soups.....all to prepare for my girls and their friends to come home from college tomorrow!  Also, the the other Kelly is coming tonight to decorate for Christmas.  So much going on!

I will post about the book either tonight or sometime tomorrow morning. But it will be mid-morning....Leanna and I are running 12 miles early in the morning. And it's supposed to be 34 degrees. Fun.

Until later......


  1. So I'm not the only one cleaning house and cooking like a crazy lady! That's good to know. ;) Have a great run....stay warm!

  2. I am so far behind I haven't even started the book 😗 I look forward to the posts about it though and will (hopefully) catch up on reading this weekend. Sooo fun to welcome your girls home - I remember being in college and be soooo excited to come home - esp at Thanksgiving. Hope it's an awesome time for you all!!! Sunshine
