
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Fun Days and an Update

I began blogging over eight years ago, and up until about 2 years ago, I was a fairly regular blogger.  I want to try to get back into the habit of blogging again. I really do. My internet (or lack of high speed internet) still frustrates me, but I am going to do the best I can.

Yesterday we attended the Mississippi State football game. It was hot, we got sunburned, and State lost, but it was still a fun day with friends and family!

 The Three Amigos 
(Lynn, Leanna, and Me)
AKA The Wedding Planners
(more on that later....)
 Me and Jimmy

Sweet Sam and Jimmy
(Uncle Kelly in the background)

After the game we enjoyed an early supper at Oby's, which was one of our favorite restaurants in Starkville when we were all in college. It's still delicious!

The fun for today involved getting up at 3:30 to run the Tupelo 13.1 Miler.  Leanna, Jimmy, Clay and I joined about 800 other runners for the 5:00 AM race start.  Leanna and I had the goal of finishing by 7:30 so we would have enough time to go home and get ready for Bible Class which started at 9:00. We did it!  In fact, we ran the race in 2 hours, 12 minutes. Of course Jimmy and Clay finished well before that. 

I am resting now. 

But first, about the wedding planners.....

Julie got engaged on August 20!  She and Sam Peters will be marrying on June 3. So, Leanna, Lynn, and I are in full planning mode. Our first wedding! 

 Sam and Julie
Sam and Julie again


  1. My girls said they saw y'all at the game. :) We are so happy for Julie and Sam! Enjoy the wedding planning!

  2. Wow! What a great update. I had a feeling....when I saw that Sam went on vacation with you all out West, that seemed *serious.* :)

    My first thought was "she's just a baby to get married!" and then my second thought was "I got engaged at the age of 20 and married the next year!" And I remember that I felt quite old....isn't that funny! Getting married young was wonderful for us. Just today after a 5K (which my husband won!) he leaned over to me as we were laughing at a memory from our first year of marriage and he said "we've had a wonderful life together, haven't we?"

    So sweet. And true. Lots of years together and many blessings.

    Enjoy the wedding planning!!

    1. Polly,
      Yes. She is a baby! (19) and will still be 19 when she marries. However, she is mature, and I am confident that all will be well. :)

    2. That's how we were, too--my husband and I were both "older than our years." And I am so glad we found each other when so young and have had so many years together so far!
