
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Deck The Halls

Monday night "the other Kelly" (what my children call our friend who was one of Jimmy's college roommates--not to confuse him with "Uncle Kelly"--Lynn's husband) helped me decorate our house for Christmas.  Well, actually he does all the decorating, I just help unload the boxes and watch him work his magic.  This is the 11th year that Kelly has done this for me.  He makes our house look so pretty and festive!

 the top of a chest in my dining room

 the chest in the foyer

 the mantel

 my collection of Santas

 the metal tree Clay made me….I keep seasonal decorations on this tree year round.  
For December is has handmade ornaments (made by my children) and personalized ornaments with our names on them from years past.

 the bookcase in my den

 a little table in our den

 the Christmas card tree….
This is what it looked like when we brought it down from storage.
It looked like a Grinch tree!
 our kitchen table
Julie made these placemats a couple of years ago.

the Christmas card tree--all straightened (and propped up and taped together)

I picked up Olivia and Julie and Julie's roommate from the airport last night and we got home around 11:15.  The are here for 6 nights for their Thanksgiving break!  Woo! Hoo!

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