
Monday, April 6, 2015

Disney Group 2015: The Running

The last Disney vacation blog post! (from this year, anyway!)

Of our group of 32 Disney vacationers, 10 of us participated in the Run Disney Weekend……Lynn, Leanna, Stacee, Kendra, Olivia, Julie, Clay, and I ran only the Half Marathon.  Jimmy and Esther ran the DOPEY CHALLENGE.  Which is a 5K, 10K, Half-Marathon, and Marathon, one race each day, 4 days in a row.  Truly a DOPEY CHALLENGE.  :)

One of the hardest parts of racing at Disney is getting up at 2:30 in the morning!  You have to get up that early to get on the bus that drives you to the race starting area.  Well, then you have to walk a mile or so to the starting line….anyway, you can imagine how tired Jimmy and Esther were after getting up that early 4 days in a row.  Plus going to the parks all day!  

Jimmy and Esther did great in all four of their races.  They ran the Half Marathon with us, and we had lots of fun!  

Here are some pictures… no particular order.

 Massive firework display at the beginning of every corral (all 22 of them)

 Clay, Me, and Lynn in the Magic Kingdom
(Lynn and I wore matching outfits, and Leanna and Stacee matched as well.  We all four had the same shirt).

 Leanna and Stacee in front of Cinderella's castle

 Lynn, Kendra (tinkerbell), Olivia (Belle), Julie (Rapunzel), Me, Clay, and Jimmy

 Me and Jimmy

 Don't let that train run over you!

 Julie, Clay, and Olivia at Epcot

 All finished!
Olivia said she has never been so exhausted after running so slow!  Ha!
She stayed with Lynn and me, and we all stopped many, many times to take pictures and just enjoy the experience.

 Lynn--all finished!  Yay!

 Olivia, Me, Julie, and Clay
The finishers medal are so nice!
Jimmy and Esther got 6 medals in all--one each for the 5K, 10K, Half-Marathon, and Marathon, the Goofy Challenge (completing the half and full marathon), and the Dopey Challenge (completing all 4 races).  They also got 6 shirts!

 The whole crew posing mid-race outside our hotel. We ran right by our hotel.
Esther is dressed as Dopey.

 Kendra and Olivia

The whole crew, minus Jimmy (taking the picture), about 3:00 AM!  This is just before we got on the bus. 

We are all crazy.
But it was really a lot of fun!

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