
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Books and a Little More

What I've Been Reading
I am almost halfway through A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.  I am reading this because it is part of our 10th grade English/World History reading list.  I did not read it when Olivia and Julie read it, but I am trying to read all of the books I assign to my children for high school.  Clay will be writing a paper on this book next week, so I wanted to read the book so that I can properly critique his paper.  I am enjoying it!

I am reading aloud to Leah and Sam Red Sails to Capri by Ann Weil and C.B. Falls and The Journeyman by Elizabeth Yates.  This is my second reading of Red Sails to Capri, but I can't remember the ending!  This is my first reading of The Journeyman, and I really like it.  I am also reading Little House in the Big Woods at bedtime to Leah and Sam, and Jimmy is reading Climb Happiness Hill to everyone after supper each night.

The next book on my list is Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (Julie will be writing a paper on this book in the next few weeks), and I also want to read John Grisham's newest book….I can't remember the title at the moment.

As the seasons of our family change my housekeeping/meal planning/grocery buying/errand running changes too.  I like to have a clean house!  But I rarely have a huge chunk of time to accomplish that.  Even with the four children at home helping, it has become a challenge to keep the house in order.  The daily tidying and putting away of laundry and the hundreds of items that accumulate in the den and kitchen each day is not the problem.  We get the house straightened up and tidied on a daily basis.  It's the cleaning that I struggle with.  So, I implemented yet another cleaning schedule this week, and so far it's working.  I will continue to try it for a few weeks to see if it will be successful.  Here is the plan: (Keeping in mind that my housekeeper cleans my main floor weekly).

Monday:  Clean all bathrooms.
Tuesday:  Extra kitchen cleaning (microwave, stovetop, computer desk, sink, windows in the doors).
Wednesday:  Dust and vacuum bedrooms, plus have the kids declutter their rooms.
Thursday:  Change sheets, bill paying, other computer work (I kept a list all week of these computer tasks….things like order something, answer a lengthy email, etc.)
Friday:  Clean basement (dust, vacuum, declutter)

I have been running off and on.  Last week, I only ran 4 miles.  Two miles at each of our Spartan Fitness Runners practice.  This week I have already run 17.5, and I plan to run 3-4 more tomorrow.  Leanna and I met yesterday for 9.5 miles.  It was cold!  I had told her that my policy was to not run outside when the temperature was below 30 degrees. The forecast predicted a low of 31, so we met at 6:00 AM yesterday for our long run.  Well, my car said 28 degrees when we started!  We survived, of course, and my hands did not freeze off.  They almost did though!  When it is that cold, I wear tights, pants, 5 shirts, 2 pairs of gloves, and a hat or head wrap.

I hope your week has been a good one.

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