
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Disney and 2015 Goals Update

Disney Group 2015:  The Families

 The Johnsey Family

The Mims Family

 My Family

 The Sanders Family

The Jobe Family

 The Mims Family

 My Family

 The Sanders Family

The Johnsey Family

Goals Update:

From the end of December through the beginning of January, I kept my 2 month old, precious beyond words, nephew for six days.  My goals for that week was were to keep him happy, and to keep my family fed and in clean clothes.  Ha!  It's been a long time since I had a baby to take care of!  But I loved every single minute!  He is so cuddly, and I love him so much!

Then I had two days to shop and pack for our Disney trip.  Then we left, and now we have been home for two days.  I have been working, working, working, on my get ready for the 2nd semester of school, clean out a little bit, and solidify my 2015 goals list.  

I began my 2015 Fitness goal January 10th.  I plan to run 1000 miles in 2015.  I ran a half marathon while at Disneyworld, so that was 13.1 miles.  This morning I ran 2 miles.  So I am up to 15!  But I also did a T25 workout, which is also one of my fitness goals.  I think my plan each week is going to be: run a 10 mile run, a 5 mile run, and on 4 other days each week run 2-3 miles and do a T25 workout.  Those workouts are hard!  And I have only done one!  Once I have done all of the T25 workouts (50 in all, I think) I will probably cut back to running only and increase my miles a little bit.

I have set another goal of trying to sleep 7 hours each night.  I am not sure if I can meet that goal…..6 hours is usually what I get and sometimes even less.  It is really difficult for me to get everyone settled and in bed in time for me to go to sleep at 10:00 PM, which is what it is going to require if I am going to get 7 hours of sleep. I like to get up at 5:00 AM.

I'll share progress on some of my other goals over the next few days.  
And more Disney photos too.  That trip was so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying so hard to get up earlier. I seem to get more done in the morning than if I wait till after work and school. I haven't made it to 5 a.m. yet though :) Glad y'all had fun!!
