
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Still Cleaning

Today is my third full day of cleaning.  I have been alternating about one hour of work with 30 minutes of diversion.  Today's diversion has been Pinterest.  I'm looking for fun back to school ideas.  August 4th will be here before I know it.  I still haven't even made a list of what I need for next school year much less ordered anything yet.  I'll get to it in a few days----after I get my house all clean.

Jimmy and Clay made me the best home improvement!  They worked all day yesterday cutting, hauling, and installing installing paneling and shelves inside our "secret room".  It's an unfinished area of our house where we keep plastic storage boxes of the children's toys and things and all of the baby and toddler toys that I want to keep (like the play kitchen, workbench, doll cribs, Little People, etc.)  Two walls were studs and exposed insulation, and that is what they covered, floor to ceiling.  It is fabulous!



I think I can finish my list of deep cleaning tomorrow.
Then it's on to school planning, organizing, and ordering.


  1. I love that space!!!

  2. You still have your stash of baby wipes containers....Room looks great!! It is so special to see your grandkids playing with toys that belonged to their parents! Glad you are saving yours!

  3. they did an awesome job! I know you love it Roan!
