
Saturday, May 24, 2014

My Summer Reading List

I got a jump start on my summer reading while we were at Seaside.  There is nothing like having an entire day to read a book.  I finished one book in just one day!

For my summer Bible reading, I plan to continue copying and outlining Scripture.  I am currently in Hebrews.

My school reading will consist of pre reading Clay's world history books--the ones I have not already read.  Both Olivia and Julie have completed the Notgrass World History course, but I have not read all of the included books.  I would like to have them read so that I can discuss them with Clay.

Pleasure reading:  I normally have a pretty ambitious list of just-for-fun summer reading, but somehow it gets pushed aside.  I am purposing to read the books on my list this summer!  Here they are:

The Diamond of Darkhold by Jeanne DuPrau (The last in the four book cities about the people from the city of Ember.)
Sue Ellen's Girl Ain't Fat, She Just Weighs Heavy by Shellie Rushing Tomlinson (this will be a laugh out loud book….the first one I read by her kept me smiling and laughing the entire book.)
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin (I have no idea if I will like this book or not, but it grabbed my attention at Sundog Books.  I'll let you know.)
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (How many years has this book been on my summer reading list?  Why have I not ever finished this book?  I am determined to finish it this summer!)

What's on your summer reading list?

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