
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Moms' Night Out

Last Saturday night, Lynn and I joined six other women for dinner and a movie:  Moms' Night Out.

Funniest. Movie. Ever.

I don't think I have ever laughed so hard or so much in my life!  I laughed.  I cried. I laughed until I cried.  It was hilarious!  I have not bought any movies on DVD except children's ones, but I will be buying this one and watching it again!  Sure, parts of it were a tad bit unrealistic (I don't want to spoil it for anyone with details), but the message was spot on.  Mothers (including myself) need to lighten up a little bit on the unimportant, but of course make sure we are not neglecting the most important of all (in my opinion); the spiritual training of our children and unconditional love for them.

Last night's Memorial Day cook out at Kelly and Lynn's was fun and relaxing.  I guess summer has officially begun, but we still have three more days of school.  We are all counting the days to finish up this wonderful school year.

The first three weeks of June are packed!  We have our church's Gospel Meeting, then VBS, then Rustic Youth Camp.  I have lots of planning to do for VBS and camp.  I am reserving July for next year's school planning, purchasing, and preparation.  And somewhere in the midst of all of this I am going to continue my cleaning out, purging, organizing, and deep cleaning every inch of my house.  That's the goal.  I am almost done with Sam's room.  I think about 2-3 more hours will finish it up.

I better get to running and then school.

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