
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Our Weekend

I finally finished getting my flower beds all cleaned out, pruned (severely, I might add), and mulched.  Of course I had some help from Jimmy and Clay with the hauling of the mulch bags, and Jimmy put out a good bit of the mulch too.  Anyway, my flower beds look so pretty.  And just in time for our Easter Egg Hunt.  (That was my goal.)

Julie, Clay, and I hid around 500 candy-filled eggs early Saturday morning for our friends and family to find.  The morning turned out hot, and so the chocolate turned to liquid inside the plastic eggs!  We still had lots of fun, and we just encouraged the children to put their eggs in the refrigerator for a while before opening the candy.

 Patiently letting the parents take pictures….ready to go find some eggs!

Back in February, Julie and I undertook a major sewing project:  making Easter dresses for all the girls in our family--including me and a dress for Leah's American Girl doll too!  Except that mine was a shirt, and not a dress.

Julie made her dress and Olivia's dress too.  She used the same fabrics for both, but just switched around the placement on each dress.  We gave Olivia her dress when she was home for Spring Break.  She took a picture of herself and texted it to us Sunday morning.  She looked so pretty!

I made Leah's dress, the doll's dress (those were the same pattern), and my shirt.  Making my shirt (it was actually called a "tunic") proved to be the most difficult by far.  But, I finished it Saturday late afternoon.  The only way that I was able to finish it was because Julie did ALL the cooking for our Sunday meal, and Saturday night's supper as well.  She is a treasure!

I bought new shirts for Clay and Sam in coordinating colors, and Jimmy chose a shirt and tie that matched as well.

We all looked so springy!

 Julie, Clay, Leah, and Sam
(we missed Olivia!)

 The Mama and Daddy

 The whole family, minus Olivia

Grandmomma and Pop with all of their grandchildren, except for Olivia and Millie Janalee.

Aunt Jenny and Julie prepared our delicious lunch that we enjoyed at Grandmomma and Pop's house.  The weather was beautiful, and the children spent most of the afternoon playing outside.


  1. The dresses are cute! I've never sewn a top for myself, only skirts. I am thinking those chevron stripes could also make it challenging, but worth it because they are cute!

    I finished my mulching yesterday...& then could barely walk last night! My sacro-iliac rebelled...but the yard looks great!!! It is a big job and feels great to get it done, so I'm glad yours is done too!

  2. Wow you ladies are very talented. Love the dresses and top. Very pretty pics.
