
Thursday, January 2, 2014

It's a New Year

I'm excited about 2014.  January usually is a very busy month for us--we have two birthdays in January, and then there is the getting back to school.  We are starting our homeschool back on January 7.  I have prepared everything.  (I think.)  I even have Leah's and Sam's spelling words written on the board!  We have all enjoyed a nice long break from school, but next week, we will be working hard.

New Year's Eve we celebrated at Kelly and Lynn's house.  My children wanted to stay until midnight, so we did! It was a nice night of food, fun, and fellowship.  I played Mexican train dominoes and drank lots of Coke!

I began 2014 with a 10 mile run with Leanna.  That was my longest run since December 7, and actually only my 4th time to run at all since then.  I took a much needed break from running during the holidays.  But I am back on track now!  I began Monday with my current exercise plan:  run 3 days a week (3-4 miles two days and 10 miles one day) and do T25 3 days a week.  Jimmy gave me T25 workout program for Christmas, and I am really enjoying it so far.  (I have completed 2 workouts).  I changed my registration for the Mississippi River Marathon from the marathon to the half marathon.  It's about 4 weeks until that race.  My goal is to complete it faster than I did the Disney Half Marathon in 2011.  Since I won't be stopping to take pictures with Disney characters, I hope that this is an achievable goal.

It's the time of year for resolutions and goal-setting.  Also for choosing focus words and reflecting on the past year.  I have set some goals and I am still selecting a focus word.  I began the B90 Bible reading plan for the 4th time this past Monday.

Have you set goals?  Are they general or specific?  I am leaning towards more general goals this year.  I'll share when I get my thoughts together.

Happy New Year!


  1. I like your new background. It's pleasant to look at. :) My goals are very general! I have no luck with specific goals. Ha!

  2. I've started D.A. Carson's Bible reading and commentary plan this year...I'm 45 years old, have been a Christian since I was 15, and have never read the Bible all the way through. Every time I start, I putter out a few months later. I'm committed to 2014 being the year I finish it!

  3. My goals are pretty general and all revolve around my focus word for the year which is CONSISTENCY. I want to be more consistent with many facets of life!

  4. Love the background too! I also haven't ever read the Bible all the way through. :( That is a goal this year! This is the first year I've ever chosen a focus word and it is "Intentional". I feel like my life was out of control in 2013 and it was not good for me nor my family. Looking forward to this year! I have no doubt you will achieve your faster time in your next marathon!! You can do it!!
