
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fun Day at the Mall

In case you can't tell, we are taking an extended holiday break from school.  Our last day of school was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and we are starting back January 6 or 7th.  I have to take Olivia to the airport on January 6th, so I am not sure how we will begin school that day…..we will see!

Anyway, up until a couple of years ago, we always took a school break from Thanksgiving until after the New Year.  I shortened our break as my older children entered high school and had an increased work load in their schoolwork.  However, this year I realized that my 2nd and 4th graders could afford an extended break--just like their older siblings did when they were their age.  Julie (11th grade) worked ahead in her schoolwork so that she could enjoy the long break too.  Clay (9th grade) has a few loose ends to tie up in geography, 1/2 of a math lesson to complete, and one more module in Apologia biology.  He is in a weekly science class that meets until December 19!  Poor Clay!  He also has an exam on the first 7 modules of the book on that day.  So, even though it is Christmas break around here, Clay is still doing schoolwork for a short while each morning.  

Yesterday, we continued our holiday fun.  As an early Christmas present, I offered to take Leah and Sam to Build-A-Bear and let them choose an animal and one outfit.  They were beyond excited.  They could hardly go to bed the night before, and for days prior to yesterday they were counting the days until we went to the mall!  Such excitement!

Clay was at Lynn's house, so just Julie joined us.  Our fun day included visiting Build-A-Bear, visiting Santa Claus, eating lunch at the Chick-Fil-A in the food court, enjoying seasonal entertainment by a local high school choral group while we ate, and then some Christmas shopping.  The kids were not too fired up about my shopping, but they patiently played with their new animals while I shopped.  They could not wait to get home and play with their animals there.

I think they said, "Thank you Mama!" over 100 times!  

 Sam with his red panda (I thought it was a fox!).  He named it Robert.

 Leah with her rainbow bear in a sparkly outfit.  She named her Katherine.

 Leah, Julie, and Sam in the Santa line.  Well, it was not even a line, but we still stopped at this photo place before we visiting Santa.

Sam and Leah with Santa Claus.

Sam asked him for a walkie-talkie (and then expressed concern to me that he asked for a walkie talkie--singular--and not walkie-talkies--plural--would Santa know that he needs two walkie talkies?)
Leah asked for the American Girl doll, Molly.

I got more Christmas shopping done.  It was a relaxing day, even with the shopping, because we were not rushed and the mall was practically deserted.

We have more fun planned for today!

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