
Thursday, October 17, 2013

More On Copying Scripture

I have had a few people ask me questions about my Scripture copying.  It's nothing fancy!  I took a few pictures of my journal, and hopefully these pictures will explain what I am doing.

This is the left hand side of the journal.  After copying an entire chapter (and this usually takes more than one day), I create an outline of the chapter.  I am using a Bible that I call a "clean copy".  It has no  previous markings or underlinings by me, but I am marking and underlining as I read.  Also, it has no "headings"--those paragraph or chapter summary statements that are sometimes inserted in certain Bibles.  The Bible that I am using for copying Scripture is a New King James version that I bought from Lifeway a while back.

This is the right hand side page of the journal.  On this side, I do the actual copying.  I copy about one page per day.  That is one page in my journal, not one page in my Bible.

This is another left hand side page (a different page than the outline page).  Normally each chapter of takes me 2-3 pages of my journal to copy.  I use the first facing left hand page to do the outline.  I use the remaining facing left hand pages to take notes or right down my thoughts.

Here is a picture of the journal--both pages in view.
Left hand side:  outline
Right hand side:  the chapter, copied.

Ok.  Did that clear it all up?
If you have more questions, please leave me a comment.  I will be happy to answer them!


  1. Thanks fantastic. I plan to start this approach. I recently learned of a lot of Godly women that I respect that copy the scriptures.

  2. I love this. I also selfishly love the idea of pretty journals to fill up with the words of our Savior :)

  3. Roan,
    I started this a few months ago after reading one of your posts. I have enjoyed studying this way so much that I am encouraging Anna Rebecca and Bethany to try it too. Thank you for sharing the idea!

  4. I am a little more than a 1/3 through Bible in 90 days, when I finish, I want to do this.

    You have GORGEOUS handwriting :)

  5. Roan, I started yesterday. I have chosen Ephesians becuase we are studying the church in Bible class and I thought this would be a great supplement. I am excited but my Bible study habits have fallen so I hope this to become a wonderful habit. I am so afraid I will give up so Roan...your job is to check on me!. Thanks for your enouragement.

  6. Can you tell me what type of journal you're using here?
