
Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Hymn For Today

"For you who fear My name the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings."
Malachi 4:2

Healing In Its Wings

O, Father, I do sin, and my heart breaks deep within.
For you have sought me, yet I turn away from all Your loving care.
So often do I fail, yet You reach out again,
Lifting my burden that is more than I can ever bear.

Through Your beloved Son, there is grace so undeserved,
How can I ever sin against the One who makes my heart to sing.
Create a heart so clean that like You I may be,
As Light of Morning rises up with healing in its wings.

My broken contrite heart is so worthless in thy sight.
But You restore it, give it peace and joy to love and follow You.
Oh, may I ever strive to live pure in Your sight,
Filled with Your goodness, free to glorify and honor Your.

Glenda Barnhart Schales

1 comment:

  1. Roan,
    What a beautiful hymn. I hope you're doing ok. It was so good to see Olivia recently. She is just beautiful!
    Have a wonderful week!
