
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Last Few Days

I have gotten my schoolroom 99% ready for our upcoming school year.  The fresh coat of paint really brightened things up in there, and I rearranged the pictures and posters on the wall.  All I lack is one large painting--to be hung above the piano.

I also have our schoolwork just about ready as well.  I need to watch a portion of two IEW teacher videos and print out the lesson plans for one of the courses.  Everything else is all ready!  We begin our new school year on August 5.  I haven't decided which day we will have our Back to School Treasure Hunt.  I may do it on the first day!  I also haven't chosen what the treasure will be this year.  Any suggestions?

Saturday I ran my long run (15 miles) with the Lunatic Fringe runners on Hwy. 350 in Corinth.  We had about 25 runners, ready to run those hills at 5:55 AM!  Jimmy rode his bike and took pictures (he currently has a tough case of plantar fasciitis, so he cannot run), and Olivia, Julie, and Clay ran their long run of 8 miles with the group.  I met and made a new friend, and I ran 5 miles with her.  I wish we could have run all 15 together!  The other 10 miles I ran alone, and I ran most of them too hard.  The last mile was the hardest of all, because I had run too fast in the middle.  Live and learn.  After the run some of the runners enjoyed breakfast together.

Saturday afternoon we joined Russ, Megan, Millie Janalee, and many other family members and friends to celebrate sweet little Millie Janalee's first birthday!  It was a spectacular party!  Lynn and I agreed that it was Pinterest Perfect!  You can visit Megan's blog to read all about the fabulous party.

Yesterday I finished up working in my schoolroom and caught up on many loads of laundry.  AND--
I went to the dentist to have my temporary crown put on.  My root canal was back in early June, but I just now have been able to schedule this follow up dental appointment.  I have two wonderful dentists!  My primary dentist is my brother, Dr. Simmons.  His office is located about 1.5 hours from my house. Rhett does Jimmy's, Olivia's, Julie's, Clay's and my basic dental care.  He also has done one crown for me and one or two for Jimmy.  He fills cavities, but refers us to an endodontist when we need a root canal.  My second dentist is Dr. Ritter.  His office is located about five minutes from my house, and he does all of Leah's and Sam's dental care along with "dental emergencies" for both Jimmy and me.  We love both of our dentists!  Dr. Ritter has been the dentist for my recent tooth problem, and he has taken very good care of me.  Yesterday's procedure was painless!  He and his office staff were super sensitive to my dental anxiety, and they went above and beyond to try to make me comfortable.  I go back to see my brother in a couple of weeks, and then a few days after that, back to Dr. Ritter to get the permanent crown put on.  Then I will be through!

Today I am finishing up my errands for the week (I hope!), and then I have another batch of tomatoes to make into salsa.  And then can them.  My hairdresser asked me this morning why it was called canning when actually you processed the salsa (or whatever) in jars.  She thinks it should be called jarring!  Ha!  So I am going to jar salsa today, but not as much as last week.  I am predicting 15-20 pints.

Someone asked me about canning spaghetti sauce.  I make large batches of spaghetti sauce, but I don't can it, I freeze it.  In 2 cup portions in quart size zip lock bags.  I am pretty sure I have posted my Spaghetti Sauce recipe before, but here it is again.

Spaghetti Sauce

1 chopped onion
6 oz. tomato paste
1 28 oz. can tomato puree
1 14 oz. can diced tomatoes
1 cup water
2 cloves garlic
2 bay leaves
1 Tbs. sugar
1 tsp. dried oregano
2 Tbs. fresh parsley (or 2 tsp. dried)
1 tsp. salt.

Saute onion in a little bit of olive oil, water, or broth until soft.  Add remaining ingredients and simmer until desired thickness (about an hour or more).  You can also put it in the crock pot after cooking the onions and cook on low all day.
If you are using fresh tomatoes, I would use about 5 cups of chopped tomatoes (with their juices).

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