
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer Scheduling

I had a post on The Homeschool Classroom last Monday, but since I was at Rustic Youth Camp with basically no free time, I failed to share the link.

You can click here to read about planning and scheduling your summer.  Since we have been out of town with only a day or two here and there at home since our last day of school, today or tomorrow is the day that my children and I will sit down and plan our summer.  I can't wait!

What kinds of fun and productive things do you have planned for your summer?

1 comment:

  1. This is helpful--I really like your lists of categories and the reminder that you/we can't do it all!

    Roan, have you ever written a post here or elsewhere on scheduling school time when you have a toddler and baby in the house? As I look forward to planning first grade this fall with my son, I am pondering this issue b/c I will have a 2.5 year old daughter, and our third child is due January 1! I would love to hear your thoughts sometime on scheduling with a toddler and a baby in the mix! Thank you!
