
Monday, June 10, 2013

My Latest Read

Last week while I was in my recliner trying to endure the pre-root canal tooth pain, I read Boo Mama's book, A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet.  I read a few chapters one night, and then I finished the entire book in one sitting the next day.  It's that good!  Especially if you are a southerner and can so relate to her stories!  If you are from another part of our country (or another country!), you will gain some insight into our culture.

I laughed out loud. I teared up.  I thoroughly enjoyed this book!  I highly recommend it for your summer reading.  Sophie expertly relates stories about her family that will warm your heart.  

Next book on my list:  Robinson Crusoe.  Actually I am not reading this book, but our whole family is listening to it on CD.  It's very I am not sure when we will be done.  I still have not finished Les Miserables.  I haven't even picked it up in a few months.  I want a large stretch of time to complete it, and since we are not going to Seaside this summer, I am not sure when I will find that block of time to just sit and read a book!

More reading:  I received my latest edition of Runner's World magazine a few days ago.  It has a 48 page spread all about the 2013 Boston Marathon--complete with photos, narratives of the race, and first hand accounts of the bombings.  I flipped through it last night.  But I could not read it.  Not yet.  

What's on your summer reading list?


  1. I joined our book club at church so for the summer I am reading:
    1. Surprised by Joy: the shape of my early life by C.S. Lewis
    2. A lineage of Grace: five stories of women who changed eternity
    3. The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn
    This will take me to September

    And since I read more than one book at a time, I'm also reading "Ministry of Motherhood" by Sally Clarkson

    I'll be putting Boo Mama's book on my list. I'm from the south also!

  2. Just finished Sophie's book. Loved! Laughed and Cried
    Trying to read more about Paleo lifestyle
    Grace for the Good Girl
    The Great Gatsby
    God Sized Dreams, by Holley Gerth
