
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Olivia's Graduation Reception

We held a small reception in our home to honor our graduate, Olivia.  It was a lovely Sunday afternoon, and we all had a delightful time.  My friends Lynn and Leanna helped me plan, prepare, and host the event, and I am so pleased in how it all turned out.  Olivia is a lovely young lady, and it was so much fun hosting this reception!

I have a few pictures to share--some are of us preparing for the reception, and some were taken during the party--and they are in no particular order!  It frustrates me to try to move these pictures around on blogger.  I usually end up accidentally deleting some of them!

Here they are--memories of a special day.

 Olivia and her art teacher, Mrs. Vicki

 Leanna and Lynn carrying the cake to the kitchen to cut.  We had just finished taking pictures of the food table.  Leanna expertly cut the cake into 66 squares using dental floss!

 Mrs. Ginger (Olivia's piano teacher), Leslie, and Olivia

 the table displaying Olivia's senior board--this table also held her gifts

 some of the 400 strawberries that we dipped in chocolate

 Aunt Julie and Me

 Lynn and I washing dishes the day before

 Olivia dipping strawberries

 Olivia and my parents

 Olivia, Martha, and Margaret

 Olivia, Catherine, and Anna Beth

 Ashley and Olivia

 Me, Lynn, Leanna, Olivia, and Julie
Leanna made the delicious mints--they were shaped liked diplomas!

 Olivia and Julie

 a pretty flower arrangement

 a view of the kitchen table

 Olivia in the dining room

 Olivia, waiting to greet her guests

 Leanna, ironing tablecloths the day before

Julie, dipping strawberries the day before.

Jimmy created a 10 minute slide show of pictures from Olivia's life.  This was played continuously in our den for our guests to enjoy.
We were all so happy to host this special day for Olivia!


  1. Looks like everybody had a hand (literally) in dipping the strawberries!! :) Congratulations, Olivia!! :)

  2. What a lovely graduation celebratio for a lovely young lady! Congratulations to Olivia! I am thankful that Olivia and Julie are good examples and role models for my younger girls to look up to.
