
Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Easter Egg Hunt That Didn't Happen

For the last eight years, we have hosted an Easter Egg Hunt at our home on the Saturday before Easter.  I hide 500 candy filled eggs, and we usually have about 50 children hunting them.  It is a fun occasion, and one that my children eagerly look forward to each spring.

I began checking the weather for our area on Thursday.  It did not look good.....a 50% chance of rain.  That's ok, I thought.  That means that it was a 50% chance that it would NOT rain.

Yesterday, the forecast looked even more gloomy, and by this morning I could tell that it was going to rain all day long. Our egg hunt is an outdoor event.  I serve the refreshments on our front porch, the eggs are hidden all over the front of our property, and everyone spends the afternoon visiting in our front and back yards.

I never even hid the eggs!  So now, I have 500 candy filled eggs....well, actually I now have 450 candy filled eggs.....

My sister-in-law Aunt Jenny, and my niece Grace, Jenny's son Will and his fiance', Elle, Uncle Russ and Aunt Megan, and Millie Janalee, and Heather and her family all still came to the Egg Hunt that wasn't.  I cooked a quick supper (with Heather's help) and we enjoyed a simple Mexican meal.  And lots of coffee!  Jimmy and Heather both did a long run this morning.  All of my children except Sam ran a 5K this morning, and I finished out my 50 mile week with a 5 mile run this morning.  We needed coffee!

Olivia, Julie, Hannah, and Sarah hid 50 eggs for Will, Josh, Sam, Leah, and Grace to find--upstairs in our house.  Surprisingly, it did not sound like a herd of horses up there during the egg hunt.

I still have 450 candy filled eggs!


  1. Maybe tomorrow?? I enjoyed a day off running and hiked in the canyon, instead.

  2. Happy Easter from the McGills!

  3. It was a fun evening! Thanks for having us!

  4. Oh that is so funny! Wow what an awesome event to put together yearly. I love that!

    450 eggs - will you hide the rest and let them find them all year long?Maybe one in the sock drawer. One in with the silverware? How about the mingled in with the towels? Or under the couch cushions? haha!


  5. This was kind of funny! What to do? What to do?
