
Monday, January 21, 2013

Setting Goals

Today I have post at The Homeschool Classroom about helping your children set goals.  Since our Christmas break, we only did school two days before our Disney trip, and then two days last week after, and all four of those days have been "no frills". Just getting school done the best we could in between packing, unpacking, running errands, etc.

Beginning TODAY, we are starting school each and every day at 8:00!  Even if I have to get up at 4:00 AM to get my training run in (not really.....if I can't fit all runs except for my long run in before 8:00, I will just run in the late afternoon).  Anyway, today, I am going to follow the steps that I described in my Homeschool Classroom post.  We (including myself) are all going to set some goals and then once a week discuss our progress.  When I wrote this post last month, I truly intended for us to have our goal-setting session on our first day back to school.  We are doing it today.  At 8:00.

Goal # 1 for me is start school at 8:00 AM.

If you want a good run-down of the Disney Marathon experience, please visit my friend Heather's blog.  She actually did the Goofy Challenge with Esther and Jimmy, and she described the two days perfectly!

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