
Friday, December 21, 2012

Making My List and Checking It Twice

We had a super Johnson family Christmas party last night!  Lots of family members attended.....I think I counted 46.  The girls crafted Christmas ornaments, the boys played legos and blocks, the adults visited and passed around Millie Janalee (Russ and Megan's 5 month old baby), and everyone ate delicious food and enjoyed one another's company.  Jimmy and I took numerous pictures, including a group photo, but they are on Jimmy's camera, and I can't download them right now (I think the battery in the camera is being recharged).  Anyway, I will share pictures from the fun night later on!

I got to bed around 12:45 AM, and my alarm went off at 5:30 AM.  I was NOT ready to get up!  But my running shoes were calling me, and Lynn and Esther were planning to meet me.  22 miles.  It was freezing out there--32 degrees when we began, and the wind was so strong.  There were times that we were almost blown off the street!  Esther stopped around mile 9 (she ran 20 yesterday), and Lynn and I struggled to finish out the 22.  We stopped three times at our friends the Claytons' house, and every time I wanted to just curl up on their couch with a cup of coffee!  But we pressed on.  And on.  And on.  We had to walk a lot at the end--my knee started hurting, and we were just both tired.  But we finally finished!  4 hours, 20 minutes.  I am really hoping that the magic of Disney will carry us through this marathon!

I am so tired and sore that I cannot get off of my couch.  I have already taken a short nap, and now I am making my final to-do lists.  I have a grocery list, a gift wrapping list, a cooking list, and a general to-do list made.  I assigned tasks to each day, today through Monday.  I hope that I can make homemade cinnamon rolls tonight.  That is part of our Christmas Day menu, and I would like to make them today and put them into the freezer.

While Lynn and I were running today, I lamented the fact that this holiday season has not flowed the way I wanted it to.  This whole year has thrown me for a small loop, and I am already planning on how next year I will be more organized, and I will work on Christmas projects all year long--beginning this January!  I have forgotten several things this December, including gifts and crafts, and I have not had the time I like to have for just enjoying the season.  We haven't put together any puzzles or played any games this month.  I have just been too busy!  And I don't like that.  I am looking forward to visiting with my parents and my brothers and their families this weekend and later visiting with Jimmy's family too, but I am really looking forward to Christmas Day--a day when I will enjoy a long leisurely day with my family.  Watching the children and Jimmy open their gifts, playing with them with their new toys, drinking mocha punch and coffee all day, and preparing a special meal for my family--all in my pajamas.

I'm going to work on my list now if I can get up!

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