
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Post-Op Day 2

I had my final reconstruction surgery Friday morning, and everything went well.  Jimmy and Lynn accompanied me to the surgery center, and we were home by lunchtime (I think). Ever since, I have been resting comfortably in the recliner either in my den or my bedroom. The recovery so far this time has been so much better than after my last surgery.  I feel like I am more clear headed (but my family may say differently, ha!), and the pain is definitely much less.  I have even been able to sleep in my bed--propped up by pillows--instead of having to sleep in the recliner.  That is a blessing.

I have been watching TV, playing games on my iPad, visiting with Lynn (who sat with me all day yesterday while Jimmy took the children to a 5K race and then to the CrossFit WOD for the Cure), sleeping, and even reading.  I finally finished The Count of Monte Cristo!  I began that book back in July.  I read about half of it at the beach, and while we were traveling to and from Utah I read all but about the last half inch of the book.  Yesterday, I finished it!  It was one of the very best books I have ever read.  If I ever have time, I would love to read it again.  If you choose to read it, make sure you get the unabridged, 1200+ pages copy.

Today, Olivia is sitting with me while Jimmy took the other children to church services and to visit his parents.  I am really fine by myself, I just need someone to help me get a drink or a snack and also to open my pill bottles.

Julie is taking over the kitchen duties for the next few weeks, and Olivia has laundry duty.  Since I can't raise my arms for 4 weeks, I will need my girls to continue to help out for a while.  I am so blessed and thankful to have such willing, loving daughters.  The other children are great helpers too.  They all are doing their chores and helping to keep the kitchen and den area of our home picked up and tidy.  I have sweet friends bringing food for  several days, and of course that is a huge help!  Also, Leanna kept Sam and Leah while I was at the hospital, and Leigh kept Leah most of the day Saturday.

I go back to the dr. on Thursday to hopefully have my drains removed and get more instructions about what I can and cannot do.  I am guessing I will not be doing a long run this upcoming Saturday!  :)  I did run 15 miles the day before my surgery, and I hope to be out there running again very soon.  The St. Jude Half Marathon is just 6 weeks away.

This is the verse that many friends shared with me the day before my surgery:

Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again:  Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Phil. 4:4-7 NIV


  1. Glad to hear that you are doing well! Rest up! I'll be praying for you.....

  2. I am so thankful you are doing well and are surrounded by caring, helpful family and friends. I am praying for you as you recover! Take care!

  3. Glad things went so well. It sounds like you have a lot of loving support around you. Don't get too adventurous too soon.

  4. You are such an inspiration. Hope the remainder of the recovery goes well.
