
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My New Running Shoes

Brooks Pure Cadence

I bought these shoes last week, and I love them!  I have worn Brooks Glycerin (outside) and Brooks Adrenaline (treadmill) for years now.  In fact, Brooks are the only running shoes I have worn since I began running when Sam was one.  

I first saw these shoes on Daily Mile dot com.  One of my friends posted about trying the new Brooks minimalist shoes, and I was curious.  At our local Finish Line store I asked the salesman to show me some....I loved them even before I tried them on!

What a fantastic color combination!  I know that you are not supposed to buy running shoes for the color, but I don't consider myself a real, hard-core runner anyway!  I always consider color.  When I have shoes that are a color I am not crazy about, I cannot wait until I wear them out.

These shoes are considered a hybrid between a super supportive shoe like I have been wearing for 5 years and a minimalist shoe (which I will probably never wear).  They are extremely lightweight, but they do have some padding in the sole.  Especially in the mid-foot area, to encourage mid foot striking as opposed to heel striking (which I do---just look the the heels of my running shoes for evidence).  Whatever the mechanics, I just like these shoes.  I like how they feel.  I love the color.

How have they performed?  Well, I must be honest.  When I first ran in them (a 4 mile and then a 6 mile run) I did not insert my orthotics (I had these made after a long-term knee injury/pain 4 years ago).  I have only run once or twice without my orthotics in 4 years.  My  right knee and ankle hurt after both runs, and continued to ache throughout the day.  Then I ran 6 miles and then 10 miles with the orthotics inside.  No pain.  None at all.  I then wore the shoes without the orthotics to the grocery store/Walmart/Sam's last weekend for about 4 hours.  My right knee and ankle began to hurt with 10 minutes of wearing them and hurt the entire time.  So...yesterday I tried them without the orthotics one more time.  I ran 7 miles, and during the run my knee felt fine.  As the day wore on, my knee did begin to ache.  My verdict:  I will continue to wear these shoes, but I am going to work on my running form to see if that will help my knee discomfort.  If I have to, I will wear the orthotics.  Does that defeat the purpose of trying to wear more minimalist shoes?  No matter.  I love these shoes, and I am going to wear them!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new running shoes!
    I got some a few weeks ago too. I have to wear the Brooks GTS because I NEED support! I have almost flat feet and I am a heel striker. :)
