
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Meeting Teri Maxwell

  • Earlier this week, our local homeschool group hosted a night of encouragement.  They invited the Maxwell Family of to speak at this annual event.  

I was so excited when I heard who the speakers would be!  I have read Teri Maxwell's books for over 13 years now, and I could not wait to hear her speak.  She was all that I expected--gracious, soft-spoken, kind, and upbeat.  Even after reading most of Teri's materials (books, website, blog, and monthly newsletters), I still learned something new at the conference!  

While Teri was sharing ways it was possible to successfully homeschool your children with preschoolers, toddlers, and babies underfoot, she shared an idea that I have never thought of........having your children drill flashcards with each other.  Now why haven't I been doing that?  Beginning Tuesday I gave Leah and Sam each other's flashcards.  I gave them a few brief directions, reminded them to be patient and kind, and let them go.  It worked!  They both enjoyed it, and they have continued to drill each other each day this week.  An added bonus is that they will not only benefit from the flashcards for themselves, but also for the flashcards that they are asking the other person.  I am predicting that Sam will learn his multiplication facts early!

I encourage you to visit the Maxwell's website, The Maxwells are such a sweet family, and I have learned many of my organization skills from Teri's books.  She has some really good ideas.

Here are the Maxwell books that I have read:

  • Managers of Their Homes (the first book of Teri's that I read)
  • Homeschooling With a Meek and Quiet Spirit (I ready this three or four times each year!)
  • Managers of Their Chores
  • Managers of Their Schools
  • Just Around the Corner, Volumes 1 and 2
  • Keeping Our Children's Hearts
My girls have enjoyed reading The Moody Family series of books written by the Maxwell's daughter, Sarah, and I bought two new Maxwell books at the conference:
  • Preparing Sons To Provide for the Single-Income Family
  • Sweet Journey
After the conference concluded, I waited in line to meet Teri.  I was so happy to introduce myself to her, give her a hug, and enjoy a short conversation with her.

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