
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Homeschool Room Ideas?

I have chosen my starting date for the upcoming school year (and no, we are NOT through reading our Sonlight books yet, but we will be very soon!).

August 20th.

My list of things I want to accomplish both home and homeschool related is ever growing.  I sometimes ponder the idea of schooling year round, but then I remember how invigorating an extended summer break can be.  Even if it is for only 4-5 weeks, and even if we are still reading the previous year's read alouds.  (I read aloud to my children all year long, whether we are officially doing school or not). I need that mental break between the ending of one year's curriculum and beginning the next.

So, during this year's short break I want to re-do my schoolroom.  I am not planning on repainting or anything major like that, but just a small re-do.  I would like to  rearrange the furniture.  I definitely need to clean out my closets.  I have a "paper" cabinet where I keep all of our paper and various notebooks and school supplies.  I also have a small closet that is half full of Fisher Price Little People.  It is time to pack up the Little People and use that space for other things.  And then there is my large walk in closet with floor to ceiling shelves.  I think that half of the stuff on those shelves could be stored too.  Since my youngest is now 6, a lot of the items in that closet are items that he has outgrown.  Storing them would give me more room for supplies and books that we are currently using.

I have been looking online a little bit for inspiration and ideas.  Do you have pictures of your schoolroom or learning space?  Do you have some neat ideas for storage and organization of school supplies and books?

If so, please consider leaving a comment with a link to your great ideas or ideas that you have found on other websites that you would like to share.

I welcome your suggestions!


  1. Ooooh, how fun!! Here is a link to pictures of my schoolroom:

    If you are on Pinterest, you can do a search for "Homeschool Rooms" and get a bunch of ideas there.

    Have fun! I look forward to pictures!

  2. I have a couple of pictures of mine after some changes, but am going to change it yet again. I'm going to be offering sewing classes this fall, so it's going to turn multipurpose. I have cleared out most of the extraneous materials I am not using this semester/year. Trying to retain the 'lots of books' for stimulation while streamlining is challenging. As well, containing the art supplies. ha! But DH has a multipurpose table which I'll use for 'cutting'. And we always have the kitchen table. On my way to get a new 'white board' at home depot, (shower board is what I'm going to use. cheap & they'll cut to size.)
    Have fun!!

  3. We are still finishing our Sonlight books too.
    And we are also starting on Aug. 20.

    I've posted lots of pics of my school rooms in the past, but now we have everything in one armoire. Or we will when I finish organizing it!

    Here is last year's room:

  4. No pictures of our schoolroom as we use the formal dining room as a schoolroom. But I just had to say I love Fisher Price Little People!

    Can't wait to see what you do with your updated schoolroom. We are still reading our Sonlight books too. Still don't know when we will start school as we are still awaiting our twin boys, due anytime in the next 5 weeks!!

  5. Have you looked at pinterest? I have found more ideas, not just for 'decorating' but for home education, pictures of school rooms, and just general good stuff. You may have already been there, but just wondered. It's a internet vortex, so watch out, but I have a link on my blog if you wanted to safely venture in. Looking at everything can get 'sketchy'. It's better to start on someone's page that you trust. Again, you may have already been there, but just in case. btw, my favorite has been to locate easily & quickly ideas related to specific topics for history & CC. So much academic, craft & generally good things! Have fun pinning!
