
Friday, April 6, 2012

Celebrating the 100th Day of School

Last week, we finally reached the milestone of The 100th Day of Kindergarten for Sam!  Since we do school usually only four days a week, and also since we took a few weeks off last month while I was recuperating, it has taken us this long to reach day 100.  I used my plans from when we celebrated the 100th day of school with Leah.  You can click here to read the complete plan that I posted at The Homeschool Classroom almost two years ago.  

Everything at our house has been pretty low key the last several weeks, and celebrating the 100th day of school was no exception.  Sam and I did not do nearly as many activities as I did with Leah, but I still think he had a fun day!

 counting 100 cheerios for breakfast

 ten groups of ten cheerios

 Sam counted these 100 sweet gum balls while I walked up and down our driveway.

 doing 100 seconds of exercise
Sam and Leah did ten exercises for ten seconds each.

 snack time--counting out 100 M&Ms

 sorting the 100 M&Ms by color

lining up 100 dominoes and then knocking them down.

And that is all we did!  Of course, we also counted our numbers 1-100 that we had been putting up on the wall in our schoolroom each day.  I failed to take a picture of the wall.  This year, instead of writing the numbers on index cards and taping them to the wall, I used star shaped sticky notes.  They were smaller, and it was easier to just stick them on the wall.  I used one color for all of the numbers except the multiples on ten, and for those numbers, I used a different color.


  1. I get such great ideas from you to use in the future!! I am glad Sam had a good 100th day of school!!

  2. You are back in the swing of things. Such creativity to come up with all those ways to celebrate!

    I like all your ideas.

