
Monday, March 12, 2012

After Mastectomy Day 5

Who knew that running a marathon and walking from my bedroom to my kitchen would have so much in common--requiring extreme effort and resulting in unexplainable fatigue!  Today is day 5 since my surgery, and while I am feeling a little bit stronger, and I am still shocked by how weak and pretty much worthless that I am.  I know that the doctors told me that I would need to do completely nothing for one week, and then gradually increase my activities over the next month,but I had no idea what that really meant!  Basically all I do is sit in a recliner and sleep.  I wake up periodically to visit with my family and friends, and's back to sleep!  I am taking less pain medication today, but I am extremely nauseous. I am trying to be patient!  I am ready to be back to normal, and it is discouraging to think that "normal" may be a couple of months away.

So far I have not been able to do any reading.  I just can't concentrate, and then I fall asleep!  But I did accomplish something big today!   I took a sponge bath, sprayed dry shampoo in my hair, and changed my pajamas--all by myself!  I almost feel clean!

I hope to have a more exciting update soon.  I am still so thankful that I made it through the surgery without complications.  I am thankful for my mother staying here and keeping my household running.  I am thankful for my friends for visiting, sending beautiful flowers and sweet cards, and for bringing delicious food.  Most of all I am thankful for my wonderful husband.  He has taken the best care of me!

10 that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; 11 strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy; 12 giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.
Colossians  1:10-12


  1. So glad you are gradually getting better. I hope you feel more normal very soon. Continuing to pray for you!

  2. So happy you are getting better. Keep going and it's only going to get better from now on!

  3. So much of this written is a huge blessing. The help, the meals, the friends and your wonderful husband.

    I am so happy to read that you are being taken care of so well and that you are able to rest. Praise the Lord for carrying you with his love.


  4. Praying for your recovery! Glad you have your mom there and wonderful support from friends and family! I know you'll recover more quickly than the doctors have predicted.


  5. I do not think we have met but I have been to the HSCampout for many years and understand you have been. (At least, it explains our connections..maybe... :) ) I am also on the HSCQuilt list...with Sara Smith.
    I just wanted to encourage you to keep yourself well rested. I know it seems like a lot right now and, is! You will recover. You will get through this. Many people are praying for you and the Lord still has work for you to do. :) I have had several surgeries and my own touch with cancer a year ago, though minor compared with what you have going on, I still can relate to what you are going through. One thing I wanted to warn you about is the post-op depression. I always get it pretty bad a month or so after a surgery. I know it's coming and still it is difficult. No one warned me. But now I know and have prepared my family and friends to watch me and not allow a deep decline. It's too hard to pull up. It's just a reaction I have to surgery. I just wanted to warn you to ask your family to watch you and help you stay positive. That helps so much!! I will continue to pray for you and your family that this situation resolves itself completely. As the Lord wills. Keep the faith and be strong in the Lord. :)
    Suze Tolbert

  6. Praying for you Roan. Yay for sponge bath and fresh pj's! :)

  7. Rejoicing in your recovery and praying for you. You are a great role model to so many, especially your children.

  8. Praying you gain strength every day. Complete recovery will some, just take it one day at a time.

  9. I am so thankful your mom has been there to help and that you are blessed with a loving husband and supportive friends! I am praying for your healing and that you will get the rest your body needs so that you will grow stronger day by day.

  10. Just returned from Ireland and am catching glad you are home and on the mend. Take this time, Roan...let your body heal and try to not to be impatient...your life is a whirlwind so I can imagine that you feel "worthless," but you have to keep in mind that all that sleeping is because within your body, much much work is being done. God designed us in such intricate feel like you are doing nothing but you sleep so that your body can heal itself. Think about it as getting your conscious self out of the way of your body's workings and God's plan for healing us. You are so loved...just rest.
